The Rock

The Rock Instagram is freakin’ awesome! This man will surprise you with an extremely huge following. He has 163 million followers as of late 2019. Bigger than the Kardashians who always makes it to the news and even got their show. Bigger than some celebrities who harvest Grammy awards. His success is so consistent that it tops off every last year’s achievement. This proves that Instagram fame isn’t all about exposure, it’s about being good in what you do and being so consistent with it.

Who is The Rock?

Dwayne Douglas “The Rock” Johnson was born in Hayward, California on May 2, 1972, with American-Canadian roots. Dwayne’s father is the known professional wrestler “Rocky Johnson.” This is where Dwayne got his interest in wrestling. Which lucky for him, his father supported him through his wrestling career.

What Does The Rock Do?

The Rock Instagram Story and social media show that he’s doing a lot of things. But he focuses on being an actor and a producer. He’s also known as a retired professional wrestler.

Because of his big build, it’s was never hard for him to penetrate the world of professional wrestling. His father’s professional wrestling background also helped to be easily recognized in wrestling.

It was Pat Paterson the Veteran Wrestler who got him to have WWF (World Wrestling Federation) – now known as WWE – successful tryouts. The successful tryouts that Pat has setup got Dwayne several consistent wins against the well-known pro wrestlers. His wins got the attention of Tom Prichard who gave him extra training. Then he debuted formally as Rocky Maivia, his father’s and grandfather’s ring name combination. It was in 1997-1998 when he insisted on using the ring name “The Rock!” and his pro wrestling career soared high since then.

Just when he entered the pro wrestling world smoothly, there’s nothing smoother with The Rock Story in mainstream media penetration. It’s as simple as… he just appeared in 2 music videos one of which is for the WWF, appeared on “That ’70s Show” as Rocky – his father, then he was on Star Trek: Voyager as the alien version of his wrestler version. Which started offers from big Hollywood agencies to sign him as an uprising actor.

What Makes The Rock’s Instagram Worth Following?

The Rock Instagram account is worth following these two points.

Inspiration – The Rock never fails to inspire his followers in every part of his life. Whether it be from his professional wrestling career, his mainstream media life and from being just the nicest guy in Hollywood. He always posts something inspiring and always talks about being thankful for everything.

A Lovely Father – Dwayne Johnson is one lovely father for his children, Simone, Tiana and Jasmine. Though he faced a divorce once, this never affected his manly instinct of being a good father to his children. Always connecting and supporting them.

His Instagram posts are also about his fitness, workout routine, diet, and cheat meals. Some of his favorite meals are peanut butter cookies and french toast. He also posts a lot of selfies and videos about his bromance with Jumanji’s co-star Kevin Hart. He also uses Instagram live to connect with his followers.

Overall notes

The Rock Instagram is a good mixture of everything that’s happening in his life. He shares just the right amount of his personal life, his life being a good father, and a good life of endless grinding for success.

Consistency is key, this is what Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson wants to influence us with how he is packaging his Instagram profile. It could be annoying for those who don’t understand his never-ending posts for muscle building when he has enough already, but he just wants to influence us with consistency.


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Rated as the Best Instagram Marketing Agency, we help the world’s top entrepreneurs & personal brands build their fan base, and monetize their followers